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Article 18

المؤتمر العام لنصرة القدس كوالامبور -ماليزيا

يناير 20 /21

انعقد في كوالامبور عاصمة ماليزيا في 20 و 21 يناير عام 2010 الجمع التأسيسي للمؤتمر العام لنصرة القدس و المعروف اختصارا باسم نصرة. وحيث انني كنت ممن تشرفوا بحضور المؤتمر والمشاركة في اعماله ، وشرفت بان اكون مقررا للجنة الاعلام فيه فيسعدني ان اضع وثائق المؤتمر تحت تصرف الباحثين و كل زوار مدونة مقالات اسامة القفاش

المؤتمر ثمرة مجهود ضخم استمر عبر اجيال وهو نتيجة تواصل الكفاح الشعبي الفلسطيني المستمر و الذي هو في الاساس رافد هام من روافد كفاح الشعب العربي لتحقيق تمام تحرره الوطني

اسامة القفاش
زغرب 16فبراير 2010


Basic Law

The participants in the Founding General Assembly of “The General Congress for the

Support of AL QUDS,” delegates of its preparatory committees and Advisory Board,

representatives of trade and professional unions, Arab and Muslim communities,

associations and organizations which support Al Quds Al-Sharif and the struggle of the

Arab Palestinian people to achieve their legitimate and just rights and accomplish the

national liberation of Palestine, meeting in the city of Kuala Lumpur from 20 - 21 January,


Believing in their duty to support and liberate AL QUDS, and rescue Al-Aqsa Mosque,

against the dangers of Zionism and the racist violations of the Zionist occupation in

Palestine; as well as their duty to defend the sanctities and holy places, and the Christian

and Islamic waqfs in AL QUDS, against the “Israeli” efforts to change the character of the city

of AL QUDS, the city of prophets, peace be upon them, since the birth of Jesus Christ

who lived in it, and Night Journey of the Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him) the last

of all prophets and messengers, to holy mosque of Al-Aqsa, from which he ascended to

Heaven. The city of AL QUDS has been consequently, associated with the tolerant

message of monotheism: "THE APOSTLE, and the believers with him, believe in what has

been bestowed upon him from on high by his Sustainer: they all believe in God, and His

angles, and His revelations, and His apostles, making no distinction between any of His

apostles; and they say: We have heard, and we pay heed, Grant us Thy forgiveness, O

our Sustainer, for with Thee is all journeys’ end". The Holy Qur’an, Al-Baqarah surah,

verse 285;

Believing and committed to the support of the struggle of the Arab people in Palestine for

their national liberation and to achieve their legitimate sovereignty over the city of AL

QUDS and establish their homeland in Palestine;

Committed to AL QUDS as the capital of the spiritual and monotheistic heritage of all

humankind, and a symbol of religious tolerance and religious fraternity, and an exemplar

for the respect of religious sanctities without violation or prejudice;

Convinced that all believers must have the right to practice their religion freely, without

violation of any legitimate and confirmed religious rights;

Thus announce the establishment of “The General Congress for the Support of AL QUDS”

and adhere to this Basic Law with its following articles:

Part I: Charter

Article I: Name: "The General Congress for the Support of AL QUDS" (Hereinafter The


Article II: Objectives: The objectives of The Congress are as follows:

1 – Ensuring the sanctity of AL QUDS and Al-Aqsa Mosque, all the holy sites and all the

Islamic and Christian waqfs in Palestine; ensuring freedom of worship and religious

practice to all believers of revealed religions; and explaining the scope, contents and the


legitimacy of the religious rights of Muslims and Christians in AL QUDS to the international

public opinion.

2 - Guaranteeing the inalienable national rights of the Arab people in Palestine, their return

to their homeland, Palestine, and enabling them to exercise fully all their human, religious

and cultural rights in their homeland Palestine with AL QUDS as its capital; and

confronting Zionism and exposing the falsehood of its claims, its racist settlement policies,

and the criminal acts of the Zionist occupation forces in Palestine to the international public


3 - Enhancing and promoting peace based on the realization of the values of justice, right,

cooperation, the common good, and mutual understanding between people in order to

achieve dignity and reject transgression, aggression and corruption.

The reference to all these goals hereinafter will be "The support of AL QUDS ".

Article III: Work Methods: To achieve its objectives, The Congress will adopt the

following methods:

1 - Adoption of open and resourceful means and frameworks, that credibly reflect the true

aspirations of the ummah stances towards the developments relating to the support of AL

QUDS and their real values to achieve the objectives of this Basic Law and to enhance its

working methodology and means of implementation.

2 – Mobilizing of the non-governmental efforts and resources in the Islamic world and the

Diaspora, and activating them economically, politically, and on the media level in order to

face the challenges of Zionism and its policies of hegemony and international oppression

which threaten the ummah's legitimate and just rights in AL QUDS and Palestine.

3 – Integrating between the civil and governmental potentials and resources, in order to

build strong forces for moral pressure and groups in support of Al-Quds among

international decision-making countries and centers; and coordinating them with forces of

the free world of all religions and backgrounds, and with advocators of peace based on

justice in Palestine and AL QUDS and those who are committed to the protection of its

holy places and its Islamic and Christian waqfs and those who will defend the sanctity of

the Arab Palestinian people and their legitimate, just and inalienable rights.

4 - (To functionalize all this): The Support of AL QUDS assumes effective and efficient

practices of various forms and methods of ethical, moral and media work, based on truth

and justice, at both the diplomatic and civil levels for the support of AL QUDS, and the

establishment of peace based on justice and fairness in AL QUDS as the capital of


Part II: Membership and Structures

Chapter I: Membership of The Congress

Article IV: All participants in the Founding General Assembly are considered members of

The Congress, subject to all the rules and regulations of membership set for the different

types (Active, advisory, honorary, and supportive) in the first ordinary general assembly.

Article V: Membership of The Congress is either:

A - Active Membership: Constitutes of the members of the local nusrah committees in

every country that The Congress is located. These (Nusrah Committees) consist of:

1. Representatives of trade-unions and professional unions, bodies representing the

Muslim and Arab communities, and organizations that support Al-Quds and the

Arab Palestinian people's struggle for its just and legitimate rights.


2. Representatives of The Congress’ Friends' societies in various districts,

provinces and regions.

B - Consultative Membership: includes members of the Advisory Board of The


C - Honorary Membership: It consists of individuals who provided services to the

cause, aims and work of The Congress.

D - Supportive Membership: This includes the trade-unions and professional unions,

bodies representing the Muslim and Arab communities, and the organizations in

support of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Arab Palestinian people's struggle, which concur

with the objectives of The Congress, but does not engage in the framework of the local

Nusrah Committees.

Article VI: Written requests for membership must be addressed to The Congress’

General Secretariat through one of its members in the different regions. In countries

that are not represented in the Secretariat, requests for membership must be submitted

to the Secretary-General directly and, as an exception, to the coordinators of the local

preparatory committees in the interim period between the Founding General Assembly

and the first Ordinary General Assembly. These requests must be settled within three

months. A “Not Rejected” reply within this period means an approval to join. The

refused requests have the right to take the matter to the next general assembly, whose

decision is final in this regard.

Article VII: Membership Fees:

a. Membership fees are paid by the active members. Fees paid by other members are

considered donations.

b. Membership fees vary, according to the different categories of members as follows:

I. Active members representing trade and professional unions: what equals 100

euros per year

II. Active members representing The Congress friends: what equals 10 euros per


c. Each member of The Congress’ Friends pays what equals 1 euro to engage in a

group in the city or village.

Article VIII: Membership Terms:

- Members should agree and abide by the principles, objectives and methodology of

work contained in the documents and the regulations of The Congress.

- Active members must pay their annual membership fees when due.

Article IX: Membership shall be forfeited when:

1) abusing The Congress, or violating its objectives and methodology of work

contained in this organizational chart.

2) not paying membership fees for three consecutive years. Membership is suspended

once the annual fees are unpaid.

3) a written request is sent by the member or the association to the Secretary-General

to suspend his membership.


Article X: Members can reject the Secretariat's decision to suspend their membership,

and protest against the decision to the next assembly general, whose decision is final

in this regard.

Chapter II: Congress’ Finance

Article XI: The financial resources of The Congress are:

1 - Membership fees.

2 – Waqfs, contributions, donations, aid, grants, and bequests, to be given for

purposes that are compatible with the purposes and regulations of The Congress. This

must not have a negative impact on the performance of its functions. If the majority of

the Secretariat members refuse to accept a donation, they need to justify their decision

to the next general assembly.

Article XII: The financial resources of The Congress are put in its bank account.

Article XIII: The Secretariat mandates a certified legal accountant to audit the accounts

of The Congress.

Article XIV: The General Secretariat drafts the rules and regulations concerning the

financial management of The Congress, methods, mechanisms and deadlines for

payment of membership fees. It also controls the revenues and expenses of The

Congress. These rules and regulations must be ratified by the general assembly.

Chapter III: Structures of The Congress

Article XV: “The General Congress for the Support of Al Quds” consists of the

following structures:

1 – The General Assembly.

2 – The General Secretariat.

3 - The Executive Office.

4 - The Advisory Board.

5 – Local Nusrah Committees.

Article XVI: General Assembly:

1 –The General Assembly is the highest authority in The Congress. It convenes

regularly once every three years. The period between two regular general assemblies

is referred to as "cycle".

2 – A General Assembly may convene for an extra-ordinary session once or more

whenever called for by the majority of the General Secretariat or the Executive office

members, to deliberate a specific issue.

3 - Continental meetings may be held with more than one specific geographical area to

discuss issues concerning the General Assembly program of work. These meetings are

not entitled to engage in regulatory issues (amendment of the Basic Law and its

regulations, nomination and election of the General Secretariat ... etc.).

4 – The General Assembly is headed by the President of the Advisory Board, who

appoints two assistants and a rapporteur from among the present members.


5 - The General Assembly is open to all members of The Congress without distinction,

according to the rules of representation which will be set in detail in the bylaw of The


6 – The General Assembly shall discuss all the general and financial reports and work

programs that are submitted by the General Secretary. It will also take decisions

pertaining to regulatory issues.

7 - The General Assembly shall elects independently: the President, the Deputy, and

Vice-Presidents of the Advisory Board; and the Secretary-General of The Congress,

members of its General Secretariat. Members of the General Secretariat are elected in

accordance with the following geographical distribution:

a - The Arab Region (Palestine, the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Great Syria, the

Nile Valley, and Arab North Africa): 5 members.

b - The African Region (Eastern and Central Africa, West and South Africa): 2


c - West Asia (Iran, Turkey and the Republics of Central Asia): 2 members.

W - South Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka ..): 3 members.

d - South-East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Australia ...): 2 members.

e - North and Central Europe (Germany, Scandinavia, Central and Eastern Europe):

2 members.

f - South and West Europe (Britain and Southern Europe): 2 members.

g - North America Region (United States and Canada): 2 members.

h - Central and South America (Latin America): 1 member.

8 – The Founding General Secretariat elects members of the General Secretariat only

for geographic areas whose representatives were able to attend. The election of the

representatives of the remaining areas will be, exceptionally, left to the General

Secretariat (by the majority of its members) according to the progress of the formation

of local Nusrah committees in these areas. The General Assembly then will elect in its

first ordinary session all the members of the General Secretariat.

9 - In case of a vacancy in the General Secretariat of one or more seats in a specific

geographical region, either because of lack of representation in the General Assembly,

or due to death, incapacity, resignation or expulsion of these members, the Secretary-

General shall nominate an other representative for that geographical region and the

General Secretariat shall endorse the appointment to follow up the execution of the

area work and programs. The new member for the vacant seat must be elected in the

coming ordinary or special session of the General Assembly.

10 - The right to run for the General Secretariat is limited to active members. Members

of the Advisory Board may share in the election of the General Secretariat, while the

remaining members (Honorary and Supporters) may participate in all phases of the

General Assembly deliberations and voting. But they are not allowed to nominate or

vote in the General Secretariat election.

Article XVII: The General Secretariat:

1 - Is the organ entrusted with supervision and implementation of The Congress’ Plan

of Action and achieving its objectives

2 - An Executive Office and an Administrative Office stem out of the General

Secretariat. Both bodies are involved in the regular operation of The Congress.

3 - The Executive Office assists the Secretary-General in matters of normal functioning

of The Congress.


4 - The Administrative Office which is formed of eight members and chaired by the

Secretary-General is entrusted with the tasks related to the following domains and/ or

affairs: Solidarity, Right of Return, the media, international organizations,

communication and follow-up, financial, legal, planning and studies.

5 - The General Secretariat meets regularly, once a year. It may hold extra-ordinary

sessions when called for by the Secretary-General or one third of its members to

discuss a specific issue.

6 – The General Secretariat adopts its decisions by the majority of its attendants,

unless indicated otherwise.

7 - The General Secretariat in its first meeting will elect a deputy Secretary-General,

who will carry out his duties in cases of death or disability. He will also perform all

duties that may be assigned or delegated to him by the Secretary-General.

8 - Members of the General Secretariat will follow-up and supervise the operations of

the offices of Nusrah Committees and their implementation of the programs and tasks

undertaken in their districts.

9 – The Secretary-General: undertakes the following tasks:

A – Represents The Congress in the various official bodies, and may delegate

someone to do so.

B – Heads the General Secretariat, manages and organizes its work and appoints

the staff of the Administrative Office, as well as the employees and volunteers who

assist the General Secretariat in implementing the tasks entrusted to them.

C – Co-ordinates between the Nusrah committees, and their programs and

activities, in order to achieve the goals and decisions of The Congress. To this end,

he appoints and follows up the coordinators of the preparatory committees in the

different countries and supervises the formation of the local Nusrah committees.

D – Signs contracts and commitments of The Congress. He also signs and

authorizes the invoices for emergency assignments, and those related to the daily

management of The Congress’ agencies. He may delegate some of these tasks to

the Finance Director.

C – Submits an annual report on the progress of The Congress to the General

Secretariat, as well as the general and financial reports to the regular meeting of the

General Assembly.

10 – The Administrative Office: helps the Secretary-General in his duties, particularly

in the tasks related to the following domains and/ or affairs:

A - Media: the scope for implementing The Congress policy, resolutions and

recommendations of both the General Assembly and the General Secretariat in this


B - Solidarity: The programs and projects proposed by the General Secretariat, and

bodies represented in The Congress, in support of the Palestinian people and its

economy which resists the Zionist occupation and its policies to change the character

of AL QUDS and Palestine. These programs will be implemented in the areas where

the Arab Palestinian people live, whether in Palestine or in the Diaspora, and must be

monitored by the concerned official and civil authorities.

C – The Return: Helping to enable the Arabs of Palestine to fully exercise their

inalienable right of return to their homeland, enjoying full civil, national, cultural and

religious rights.

D - International Organizations: Communicating with International Organizations.

E - Planning and Studies: Planning and research activities of the General



F - Finance: In charge of collecting membership fees, donations and grants, as well

as monitoring expenditure, controlling the budgets of The Congress, bookkeeping,

accounting, and management of interior financial affairs.

G - Communication and Coordination: Communicating with, and coordinating

between the various support committees, as well as communicating with the different

bodies and agencies, whose work and objectives are compatible with the objectives

and activities of The Congress.

H - Legal: Concerned with the legal aspects of The Congress, particularly those

related to the documentation of land, real estate, the Arab Palestinian property in AL

QUDS and the rest of Palestine, as well as the jurist activities and events and those

related to the international law.

Article XVIII: Executive Office:

1 - Its members are elected among members of the General Secretariat and by them,

to follow up daily issues and supervision of the work of The Congress.

2 – The Executive Office, in addition to the Secretary-General and the Deputy of the

Advisory Board, consists of representatives of geographical regions, according to the

following distribution:

- Palestine: one member.

- Arab Region: one member.

- Asia: Two members.

- South and west Asia: one member.

- Sub-Saharan Africa: one member.

- Europe: one member.

- North and South America: one member.

3 - The Bureau shall meet once a year to discuss the activities of The Congress and

the local Nusrah committees and take its decisions and recommendations thereon.

Most of its members, the representatives of contiguous geographical regions, may

convene more than once a year by the invitation of the Secretary-General to discuss

specific issues.

Article XIX: Advisory Board:

1 - Consists of people known for their high credibility, integrity and moral stature, and is

referred to as “The Board".

2 – The Board includes members of the advisory board of the Founding General

Assembly and members of the "Founding Committee", who contributed and shared the

idea of The Congress from the beginning.

3 - The General Assembly shall elect the President, Vice-Presidents, and the Deputy of

the Board to follow-up the activities of its members for The Congress. The President

and the Deputy shall coordinate with the Secretary-General. An office for the board

shall also be appointed.

4 – The President of the Board or the Secretary-General may add new members

according to the above criteria, to be authenticated by the majority of the members of

the Executive Office Secretariat.

5 - The office of the Board will schedule the activities it intends to carry out, and

determine the appropriate frequency of its meetings.

6 - The Board is authorized to:

- Give opinion and advice, collectively or individually, which would help to achieve

the objectives of The Congress and the implementation of its resolutions. The board

will also give their views on the issues submitted to them by the General



- Form a moral and advisory reference to the local Nusrah committees and local

committees which are Friendly to The Congress, to encourage them and incite them

to execute activities that will help in achieving the objectives of The Congress.

Article XX: Nusrah Committees:

1 – The Nusrah committees are the framework within which civil events and activities are

organized in accordance with the objectives of The Congress. The Nusrah committees will

follow up the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly in their areas, in

coordination with the General Secretariat.

2 - The Nusrah committees are formed wherever non-governmental committees which

advocate The Congress goals and methodology. Attention should be given to seek the

widest possible representation of civil bodies and associations of all sectors and

backgrounds to achieve efficiency and success in their activities and to enable them to

perform their tasks in full.

3 - The Nusrah committees in each country/state will organize local and regional

committees depending on the circumstances of each. They must take into account the

gradual formation of the committees starting from local villages to neighborhoods up to the

larger cities, regions and finally the formation of national supporting Committees. Thus,

these Committees will be able to express their national aspirations for a wider civil

advocacy of AL QUDS. The periodical renewal of its officials and the distribution of

responsibilities will help to avoid bureaucracy which could limit their representation and


4 – The Nusrah committees in any country / state are composed of the representatives of:

- Trade unions and professional bodies that consider supporting AL QUDS one of its

major concerns.

- Civil society organizations and associations working in support of AL QUDS.

- Groups of Friends of The Congress, from neighborhoods, villages, cities, regions and

countries, who believes in The Congress objectives and seeks to achieve them.

5 - The member of the General Secretariat in each region will help The Nusrah committees

in each country, to complete their formations and regulations to improve their working

methods. He will coordinate between the national Nusrah committees in each region.

6 - The structures of The Congress will ensure that the Nusrah committees have full

freedom and flexibility to adopt their local programs and events that are appropriate

to the circumstances of each country, and are able to achieve the objectives and

methodology of The Congress and implement its decisions and programs.

7 - Local coordinators appointed by the Secretary-General, shall work on establishing

Local Nusrah committees and forming The Congress ' friends' societies and activate

their contribution.

8 - Delegates of the Nusrah committees will participate in the general assembly, in

accordance with the representation policy set in the rules of procedure, to ensure

equitable representation in the general assembly of the different areas and countries.

Article Twenty-One: General Provisions:

1 - The permanent headquarters of The Congress shall be in the City of AL QUDS. Until

this is possible, the official address for correspondence will be that of the Secretary-


2 - The official languages of The Congress are Arabic, English and French. In case of any

dispute, the interpretation of the Arabic and any other language will be accepted. If this

does not solve the dispute, the original Arabic text shall prevail.

3 - The General Secretariat will develop The Congress Bylaw, which will organize the

mechanisms of action for the General Assembly, the General Secretariat, the Executive


Office and the structures of The Congress. The Bylaw will set the necessary terms and

provisions of this Basic Law.

4 - This Basic Law may be modified with the consent of two thirds of the members of the

General Assembly. On the other hand, the General Secretariat may - by majority of its

members - or with the consent of the Executive Office, develop some of the necessary

articles to facilitate the work by adding supplements to the Basic Law, provided that these

additions are approved by the General Assembly.

5 – Due to the fact that events and activities of The Congress spread geographically,

correspondence between members and the Secretary-General will be signed and sent by

fax or mail. This form is considered a reliable and legal method and is also accepted as a

form o voting.

6 - Decisions are taken by an absolute majority of the attendance unless otherwise stated.

7 - The general rule is: it is not permissible for officials of The Congress frameworks,

structures, the central and local Nusrah committees, to take a leading responsibility for

more than two consecutive terms, not exceeding ten years in total.

8 - The terms of this Basic Law may be modified with the consent of the relative majority of

its active members present at the meeting of the General Assembly.

9 - The Congress will be resolved with the consent of two-thirds majority of its active

members present at the meeting of the General Assembly, and endorsed by the relative

majority of the members of the Advisory Board present at the General Assembly meeting.



The Founding General Assembly

Kuala Lumpur


Represented by their delegates in the Advisory Board as well as by delegates in the

Preparatory Committees, coming from within and outside the Islamic Countries, the

participants held their Founding General Assembly for The General Congress for the

Support of AََL QUDS (The Congress henceforth), between 5th and 6th of Safar 1431

H, corresponding to 20th and 21st January 2010 CE, in the Malaysian capital Kuala

Lumpur. They declared officially the creation of The Congress for the Support of AL

QUDS. On this occasion, the participants wish to extend their most heartfelt gratitude

to the Government and People of Malaysia as well as to the Perdana Global Peace

Organization, for having generously hosted the proceedings of their constitutive


Equally, the participants wish to express their deep thankfulness to Tun Dr Mohamed

Mahatir for his incisive keynote speech, in which he clarified the true dimensions of

the Palestinian question. Tun Dr Mahatir called on this occasion the “West” to revise

their view, according to which expiating for the persecution and massacres

perpetrated against Jewish groups in European societies could be done through the

expulsion, dispossession and expropriation of the Muslim and Christian Palestinians.

He went on to point out that the Jews had constantly found refuge, safe havens,

security and freedom to practice their religion, trade and financial transactions in the

land of Muslim countries; this same land which has now become the target of

Western persecution, massacres, and expropriation in the specific case of Palestine.

In this connection still, Dr Mahatir went on to call on all the countries of the West to

put an end to their unfair policies, to stop fomenting and sowing discord amidst

Islamic countries, war-mongering and fanning the fires of “terrorism”, causing

bloodshed and triggering the spirit of vengeance. By the same token, according to

Dr Mahatir, the West casts a blind eye to the Zionist racist policies and encourages

their aggressive violations against humanity in Palestine. In his conclusion, Dr

Mahatir stressed the fact that peace in Palestine can only materialize if the Arabs in

Palestine are granted their right to return to their homeland as well as the right to live

in it in peace and dignity.

Marshal Abdel-Rahman Siwar al-Dahab presided over the General Assembly

deliberation sessions. This came after he had given his speech on behalf of the

Advisory Board for The General Congress for the Support of AََL QUDS, in which he

stressed the need for taking practical and appropriate measures that are liable to

support the resistance, militancy and national liberation struggle, of the Arab people

in Palestine, against occupation, on the one hand; and the need to coordinate efforts

among various bodies and organizations that are concerned with the support of AََL

QUDS and Palestine on the other hand.

The participants stressed their constant pledge and obligation to back up the struggle

of the Arab People in Palestine in view to achieving its national liberation and

recovering its total sovereignty over the city of AََL QUDS, together with safeguarding

the sacred inviolable character of the al-Aqsa Mosque, the rest of the holy Islamic

shrines and the Islamic and Christian waqfs in Palestine.


They also reiterated their pledge to strive for enabling the Arabs of Palestine to enjoy

their full right to return to their homeland and to enjoy all the rest of their citizenship

and religious rights within their homeland, Palestine.

The participants stressed the fact that the support for AَL QUDS can only materialize

through enabling the Arabs of Palestine to exercise their right to return to their

homeland and country. In this regard, the participants proclaimed their adamant

support for the struggle of the Maqdissis as well as that of the rest of the Arabs of

Palestine for their right to return to their homeland and for the fight for their national

liberation. This endeavor should materialize through the active and complementary

efforts both on the non-governmental and on the governmental levels, in order to

fulfill the aspirations of the Arab People, the Islamic Ummah as well as those of the

freedom-lovers across the World. In order to come to terms with such a goal, these

groups and individuals will have to resort to the use of various forms and styles of

ethical and moral action, and various means on all levels possible, be they legal,

economic, social or informational.

The General Assembly has ratified the “Basic Law” for The General Congress for the

Support of AََL QUDS, and has agreed on a number of recommendations relating to

the use of media, the social, economic, and legal domains, in addition to adopting

a decision to commemorate the Day for the Solidarity of AََL QUDS, which is to be

held simultaneously in every country in which committees for the support of AَL

QUDS are based.

On the other hand, the General Assembly condemns the criminal embargo imposed

by the Zionist entity on the Arab People of Palestine and particularly on Ghazza. In

the same manner, it condemns the Zionist criminal policies and practices against the

Arab People in Palestine, in Lebanon, and in the Golan Heights. It holds the Tel-Aviv

government responsible for those policies and practices vis-à-vis the International

Law and considers them acts of war crime, genocides, and crimes against humanity,

all of which violate the rules of International Human Rights Law, as well as the

relevant international conventions and treaties.

The General Assembly calls on the Arab, Islamic and the World communities at

large to do everything possible to join efforts in order to put an end to those inhuman

practices and violations, as well as to the Zionist criminal embargoes that are

imposed on the People of Palestine and to work for securing their lifting, together

with opening land , sea and sky outlets, that are under the control of the government

of Tel-Aviv.

Prior to closing its procedures, the constitutive General Assembly for The General

Congress for the Support of AََL QUDS elected Tun Dr Mohamed Mahatir President

of its Advisory Board, and Dr Ali al-Ghatit Deputy for the same body. Dr Hamdi al-

Sayyid, Mr Salah Salah and His Eminence the Mufti Mohamed Hussein were elected

Vice-Presidents for the Advisory Board. Dr Said Khalid El Hassan was elected

Secretary General for The General Congress for the Support of AََL QUDS. And for

the General Secretariat membership of The Congress for the Support of AََL QUDS

were elected the following ladies and gentlemen: Mr Ibrahim al-Azhari, Dr Ihsan

Thuraya Sarma, Mr Irvin Adrovitch, Mr Rafiq Ahmed, Dr Safouan Karim, Dr Samir

Boudinar, Mr Ali Rida Mahjoub, Prof. Mohamed Mujib al-Rahman, Mr Mostafa

Maarouf, Mrs Maysoon Shaath, Mr Navid Hamid and Dr Halah Suleiman al-Asaad.

At the closure of the procedures of its Founding General Assembly, The Congress

announced the creation of a Distant Learning Medical Centre, for the benefit of the

Maqdissi students and practitioners, as a joint venture with the General Secretariat of

the Union of Arab Medical Doctors. In this connection it was pointed out that The

Congress will get in touch with various relevant institutions and circles to support this


centre, which is a measure among others for countering the Zionist embargo that is

imposed on the Arab People of Palestine.

In order for The Congress to fulfill its program, and the recommendations and

activities that culminated its proceedings, it announced that its members will proceed

to setting up a “Support Waqf “, and that contact will be made with the relevant

circles and parties concerned to officially establish this waqf.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,

6 Safar 1431 H // 21 January 2010 CE

Nus Final Communique 100120

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